Adele World




Munich, Germany


LarMac were honoured to be asked by Production Director Paul English and the September Management Team to oversee Adele World for her astonishing 10-night run throughout summer 2024 - playing to an 80,000 capacity audience in the largest temporary arena ever built!

The hugely popular residencies scale was proven by its well-earned  place in the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® with the record for Largest Continuous Outdoor LED Screen (temporary).

“I hope those of you who came had the best time at ‘Adele World.’ I had the time of my life adding all the personal and immersive touches to it,” noted Adele after the well-received run.

“I’m overwhelmingly proud of my entire team and team mates. Thank you as always for making me look so f–king good. There truly is no feeling like standing in front of people you’ve never met, belting out a bunch of songs that changed your life that in ways somehow changed theirs too. It’s truly remarkable and an extraordinary story to be able to tell.”

Photos courtesy of Stufish & Alex Waespi.